Life Skills Training Program
For Youth Ages 10 - 14
Students will be participating in an 8-week session on Life Skills learning how to have good communication skills, cope with anger, social skills, and more. This FREE Program is an 8-week class held once weekly on Saturdays from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.
You Must Pre-register Your Child In Order To Participate
Life Skills Program Learning Objectives is the teach youth:
Personal Self-Management Skills – Students develop skills that help them enhance self-esteem, develop problem-solving abilities, reduce stress and anxiety, and manage anger for better mental health.
General Social Skills – Students gain skills to meet personal challenges such as overcoming shyness, communicating clearly, building relationships, and avoiding violence.
Drug Resistance Skills – Students build effective defenses against pressures to use tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
and More.
In-Person Or Virtual Class Options
How To Register:
Complete the Registration Form Here.
Need Additional Details? Please call email